Czech Republic

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Meet Czech Republic

Castles, nature and local brews

If you like romantic cities, beautiful nature, locally brewed beer and wine, then Czech Republic should be your next travel destination! ‍ You’ve no doubt heard of the romantic capital Prague with its rich history and beautiful architecture! But did you know that the country is also famous for its 2000+ castles which makes Czech Republic one of the countries with the highest density of castles in the world? ‍ The perfect travel destination for slow travelers that are just waiting to explore the many hidden gems and the rich history of this country. Explore the capital as well as the castles and the beautiful countryside with a pint of local beer or a glass of Moravian wine!

A beautiful travel destination

The Czech Republic is one of the most beautiful countries you can visit in Europe. Home to thousands of castles and jaw-dropping national parks, the Czech Republic has countless places to visit. The number one place to go here is Prague, the capital city. Prague has been voted one of the most beautiful cities in the world time and time again. And it’s no wonder! Thanks to Prague Castle and the city’s towering spires, Prague is a gorgeous sight to see. But the Czech Republic has so many more beautiful places to see from its villages and hiking trails out in the countryside to spa towns and mountains. Don’t believe us? Keep reading our travel guide and you’ll soon discover the many wonders of this country.

More than just Prague

Prague is the most visited city in the country. Since it is the capital and absolutely beautiful, no one is surprised! But if all you do on your trip to the Czech Republic is visit Prague, then you’ll be missing out on so many amazing places to go. Our travel guide covers everything from the amazing region of Moravia, known for its wine, the beautiful Bohemian city of Český Krumlov, and the unforgettable medieval town of Kutna Hora. The cities of the Czech Republic offer a unique culture and sights to see. We love Prague, but we won’t let you forget the others on your vacation!

An underrated European destination

Once known as Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic is a fairly new country and definitely not the biggest in Europe. Small, proud, and gorgeous, this place is an underrated gem! A journey around Europe is missing a Czech mark without paying a visit to the country of castles. Also known as Czechia, this centrally located country in Europe offers unique vacation opportunities. There are so many things to do! Kayak down the river in Prague, cross the border to Poland at the Sněžka Mountain, and tour local breweries.

Wander and wonder

Ready-made itineraries for your Czech adventure

Get inspired with these travel stories

Read up on Prague and beyond

Meet Czech Republic

If you like romantic cities, beautiful nature, locally brewed beer and wine, then Czech Republic should be your next travel destination! In this post you will be able to find all the information you need so you’re all set for your trip.

Czech Republic is famous for its romantic capital city, Prague, its rich history and beautiful architecture which attracts millions of visitors each year. But did you know that the country is also famous for its 2000+ castles which makes Czech Republic one of the countries with the highest density of castles in the world?

What we find to be the most fascinating thing about the Czech Republic is the fact that the country has only existed as we know it today since 1993! Prior to that it was known as Czechoslovakia, and before that it was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Talk about being rich in history!

Czech Republic is the perfect travel destination for slow travelers that are just waiting to explore the many hidden gems and the rich history of this country. Explore the capital as well as the castles and the beautiful countryside with a pint of local beer or a glass of Moravian wine! No matter where you go, you can’t go wrong with a visit to Czech Republic.

The three historical regions

Historically, the Czech Republic has since 1918 been made up of three regions called the Czech Lands.


Bohemia in the west (this is where the big cities are located and the most-visited region)


Moravia in the south east (the wine region)


Czech Silesia in the east (bordering Poland and Slovakia)

The administrative regions of Czech Republic

Czech Republic is divided into 14 administrative centres that each have something unique to offer.




Central Bohemia


South Bohemia




Plzeň (or Pilsen / Pilsner)


Karlovy Vary


Ústí nad Labem




Hradec Králové


. Pardubice


. Olomouc


. Moravian-Silesian


. South Moravia


. Zlín

Outdoor adventures

It’s easy to find outdoor adventures in the Czech Republic. In the summer you can hike Sněžka, the tallest mountain of Czech Republic which borders Poland at the top! Go skiing in the same area in winter and soak in one of the many spas after. In the summer you can also go mountain biking, canoeing down the famous Vltava river that runs through the country, or wander around the Czech countryside and explore the many national parks the country has to offer.

Cultural catch-up

No slow travel trip is complete without learning the culture. From beautiful viewpoints and unique landscapes to national and cultural museums on Czech’s communism and war history - you could spend months getting familiar with the culture here.

Another thing that stands out is Czech’s rich history in alcohol; beer brewing, winemaking, and homemade slivovice (a plum spirit) as well as their love for sports (and the combination of the two). If you want to act like a true local you better crack open a beer and go support the local football team!

When to go

Czech Republic can be visited any time of the year. But there’s a few things to keep in mind when planning your slow travel trip. Below you can learn when to avoid the tourist peak and specific dates that you might like to know about.

Tourist season: Jun - Sep, Dec
Best weather: Apr - Oct


Czech Republic has mild weather and the climate is moderately continental. Bring a warm jacket for the winter and get those cute summer dresses ready for the summer. In the summer, you’re looking at a mild average of 24 c (about 75 f). Rainy and cloudy days are common throughout the year however, with an average of 90 days of rain a year. As for snow in winter, it’s not guaranteed in Prague although snowfall is likely to occur from December to February/March. It is very common in the countryside though and the mountains get lots of snow almost every year.


Time-Zone: Central European Standard Time (CET)
Currency: Czech Koruna Kč
Cost/Expense: $$$
Languages: Czech
Dates for your calender
Jan - New year, Restoration Day of the Independent Czech State
Feb - Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year Jan/Feb), Valentine’s Day
Apr - Easter
May - Labour Day, Victory Day
Jul - Saints Cyril and Methodius Day, Jan Hus Day
Sep - St. Wenceslas Day
Oct - Independent Czechoslovak State Day, Halloween
Nov - Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day
Dec - Christmas! Markets, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, St. Stephen’s Day

Languages 101

There is only one main language in the Czech Republic which is Czech. Over 95% of the country speaks Czech. English is spoken too, especially with the younger generation since most students now learn English in school from a young age.

In Prague, you'll find that both the younger generation and the older generation speak English quite well. Unfortunately, that can't be said for the rest of Czech Republic. Especially in some of the more rural areas English is still not that common but it's definitely growing!

So knowing a few basic words and phrases in Czech will definitely help you out when you’re exploring all the other regions of the Czech Republic.

Essential Czech phrases

Czech is said to be one of the hardest languages to learn. Not only do they have a ton of different accents over their letters, they also have different endings to words depending on which setting the specific sentence structure is used in. The grammar is also very different from the English grammar as Czech is a Slavic language which makes it challenging for people coming from Germanic-speaking countries.

However, for people from Slovakia, Russia, Croatia, and other Slavic-speaking countries, Czech shouldn’t be too difficult to learn as they have a lot of overlapping and similar words.

Speak the local language
Dobrý den, ahoy
Thank you
Děkuju, dik
Excuse me
I am looking for
Já hledám
Can you show me on a map?
Můžeš mě ukázat na mapě?
What is this?
Co je tohle?
How do you say...?
Jak se řekne...?
How much?
Kolik to bude?
My name is...
Já se jmenuju
I’m lost
Ztratil jsem se
Where is the ATM?
Kde je bankomat?
Do you speak English?
Mluvíš anglicky?
I don’t understand
Já Nerozumím
What does that mean?
Co to znamená?


Getting There

By Plane

Vaclav Havel Airport Prague is the main airport within the country and is a major international airport. Katowice Airport located in Poland is another option if you’re planning on visiting the Northern Czech Republic.

By Train

All major towns have train stations. Smaller towns often have one too.

By Bus

Getting to Czech Republic via the bus or coach is a super affordable option.

Getting Around

By Car

Most motorways in the Czech Republic require a sticker. The price starts at 310 CZk for 10 days and up to 1500 CZK for a full year. Stickers can be bought at pretty much any gas station or post office in the country. For more information, click here.

You’ll probably run into traffic in the city as well as some difficulties with parking. Prague has a ‘blue zone’ parking system so any parking area marked with blue requires a parking permit. However, there are lots of options for paid parking so it is not impossible to find a spot but it might add some expenses to your budget.

Road signs are in Czech but are easy to follow if you know the direction you’re going in. Fuel is pricey compared to the cost of living in the country, but you don’t have to drive long distances. For convenience and harder to reach locations, renting a car is a good option too.

By Public Transport

Czech Republic has a great public transport system.For travel within the country, Czech has a great railway system and you can get to pretty much anywhere by just a few connections. In the cities, You can stick to the trams and buses. Prague has a metro as well! Check out the city guides for detailed info!

On Foot

Going on foot is the easiest way to get around the cities. Use our map to find out what’s near you and walk or combine with the tram or metro for an easy, hassle-free day out.

By Scooter

major cities such as Prague, Plzeň and Brno have scooter stands and many use a rental system called “Lime”. All you need to do is download an app on your phone. Be careful when riding it though as Prague is a hilly city, the sidewalks are full of cobblestones that make it easy to crash (especially when it rains). Furthermore, the roads are busy with cars, buses, and trams going in all directions. We don’t really recommend biking within the cities as the traffic is busy, there are no proper biking lanes and drivers aren’t used to bikers.

Transport Tips

  • If you plan to spend some time in Prague it’s worth buying the public transport pass. It will be cheaper and more convenient than buying daily tickets.
  • Be prepared to have train and bus delays outside of Prague. Inside the city public transport is usually on time but the same can’t be said while travelling around the countryside.
  • If it snows, public transport usually grinds to a halt outside of the cities. However, we still very much recommend going to Czech Republic for a ski trip!
  • Cars are NOT recommended in Prague and other bigger cities as there is a lot of traffic, one way roads, many trams, and expensive parking charges.
  • If you’re looking to rent a car you have to be at least 21 years old. If you’re 25 or older, a car rental will cost you 100€ minimum for a week. Plus some extra insurance, etc. If you’re 25 or under you will have to pay an extra underage charge. Always check the coverage before renting both through the car rental company as well as your travel insurance if applicable.

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