Budapest, The Sports Capital of Europe in 2019: Running

Vivi Bencze | Live the World

November 23, 2022

The European Capitals of Sport Association has decided: Budapest is going to be The Sports Capital of Europe in 2019. I believe, my city has a lot of opportunities for sports lovers, especially for those who love running. No doubt, you made a really good decision, when you chose it as your favourite activity. Alongside with cycling and swimming, by running, you can easily get rid of bad thoughts, as it has a very beneficial effect on our body, even from a physiological angle of view. Within the following lines, I will show you some great options where you can practice your passion for running in Budapest. So let’s see!

Csepel riverside

(5 kilometers)

Who doesn’t know it well can easily believe he is out of Budapest, but take it easy, you are not lost. The road to the Csepel riverside running track takes only 8-10 minutes from the downtown, but the atmosphere there is so calm and quiet. We can run for miles, or we can go hiking or cycling right next to the Danube, from the Gubacsi bridge to the southern border of Csepel, on a ground of good quality and along the riverside. It's not too busy at weekends, and it's seductive in the middle of the week.

Picture © Credit to szulmann

Gizella boardwalk

(1,5 kilometers)

Gizella boardwalk is located between Petőfi and Rákóczi bridges. This area has become increasingly popular amongst the runners in recent years. Many people live in the vicinity, so they don’t really fancy the idea of traffic, but yet, it’s temptingly close to the downtown. Warning: we have to pay attention to the cyclists and dog walkers.

Photo © Credit to Zoltán Erzse

Óbuda Island

(4 kilometers)

The greatest thing about the Óbuda Island is that there are not many people running there, as the access to here is not that easy. It’s quite far from the downtown, and it’s pretty complicated to get there, but once you arrive, you will never want to leave this place.


(4 kilometers)

Városliget, a full-of-green park in the heart of the city is a prominent centre not only for the locals but also for the tourists. Therefore, it can be crowded sometimes, but it has a lot to offer for the lovers of running. When it is full of people, sports activities require a little more attention and concentration though. We can run on the asphalt or terrain, and sometimes on the mixture of them. Local runners have been long craving for an actual running track, which is built specifically for this purpose, but they, unfortunately have to wait a little more for that.

Running undoubtedly belongs to the most beloved sports activities, and even some tourists love going for a nice run during their holiday. Budapest gives you numerous alternatives to do so, which is only one minor reason why the Hungarian capital city is going to be The Sports Capital of Europe in 2019.

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