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Marko Radojević | Live the World
November 23, 2022
Today, on 22nd of April, Earth day is celebrated. And this is the best moment to raise our voice in defense of the Planet Earth and its nature. We humans have to do more to protect the nature around us. It's easy and good for all. On we love to travel, we enjoy exploring, we love cozy spots all around Europe, and we love nature. We wrote many nature-related stories admiring beautiful landscapes that Europe has. Today, I will tell you one love story from Galešnjak island, that is also closely connected to nature. And here's a picture as an introduction.
Let me introduce you Galešnjak island (Galešnjak otok,* in Croatian language). It is located in the Pašman Canal near Zadar and between mainland and island of Pašman**. Also known as a Love Island, Lover's Island,* Island of Love (Otok zaljubljenih, Otok ljubavi), island Galešnjak has become famous when Google listed itf in the group of heart-shaped nature wanders. It's disappointing but this heart-shaped island is empty - without any big vegetation and there are not so many animals. Recently the owner of the island planted fig trees so, hopefully vegetation will bloom in the near future. But again, this is not a place to live or to spend much time. It's a place to enjoy nature and admire how creative it can be. It's an island for lovers to visit it but also whoever is visiting Zadar County or northern Dalmatia region should come over and fell in love with nature, again. Nearby Galešnjak there are also other smaller islands: Ričul, Vela Bisaga and Mala Bisaga.
Small piece of advice: while you are cycling around Zadar region and when in Sveti Petar na Moru or Sveti Filip i Jakov, leave your bicycle and find out who among the locals can take you to Galešnjak island. Additionally don't forget that the Croatian coast is full of wanders. Nature is amazing and combination of continental, coastal and island vegetation and climate makes this region appropriate for all. Besides six nature parks, majority of Croatian national parks are here as well as top tourist attractions and locations. On the other hand, don't miss the opportunity to give a chance to this islet of love because Galešnjak is waiting for you.
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