Take Instagram-worthy pictures in Obreja’s Tunnel of Love

Iulia Condrea | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Picture taking is important to so many people. To some, it’s just a hobby, while for others it’s their livelihood. Pictures immortalize moments that we cherish so that we can hold on to them for as long as possible. This is why, even before my phone had a high-quality camera, I used to take my digital camera with me everywhere I went. This was the right choice since now I can look back on the hidden gems that I found during my travels. In Romania, there are many places where one can take Instagram-worthy pictures. You can capture the eye-catchers of Saschiz, go back in time with the Mocaniţa train or be astonished at the Museum of Senses. There are so many places to choose from. One of my picks for taking amazing pictures is the Tunnel of Love, in Obreja. Nature has taken over this place and turned it into something wonderful.

What is the Tunnel of Love?

Some of you may have heard of the Tunnel of Love, but it may not be the one from Romania. A similar place exists in Ukraine, Romania’s neighbor. What is a Tunnel of Love, you may ask? Nature creates a so-called tunnel when trees from both sides of a railway section combine, making it seem as though the train moves through a magical realm, filled with greenery. This isn’t only spectacular when looked at from inside of a train but also provides excellent picture taking opportunities from the outside.

Picture © Credit to: wikipedia/ Serhei

Romania’s Tunnel of Love was discovered not long ago, it forming thanks to the abandoning of a railway section. This allowed trees to grow and nature to take over. Soon, this place turned into a go-to place for newlyweds, trying to take the perfect wedding picture. Inevitably, lovebirds and tourists started showing up, searching for the ideal photo caption.

How to get there?

Picture © Credit to: istock/ Björn Forenius

The Tunnel of Love is located in the commune of Obreja, near the city of Caransebeş, in western Romania. Obreja commune is made out of four villages, Ciuta, Iaz, Obreja, and Var. For you to find this lovely place, you must head east on the DN68 country road and be on the lookout for an old railway right on the outskirts of the Obreja village. This railway will guide you towards a forest on the right side of the road. To reach the forest, you must take a dirt path, which will lead you straight to the abandoned railway and its wonderful transformation in the woods.

Many tourists choose to combine their visit to the Tunnel of Love with the sightseeing of other wonderful tourist attractions in western Romania. Bigăr Waterfall is 120 km away and a part of a natural park with various hiking routes. On the other hand, people who visit this creation of nature are also tracing history in Timişoara, 115 km away. One can’t go wrong with either of these locations, it being easy to combine them and organize a one-day or two-day trip to the west side of the country.

When to take the best photos?

When’s the best time to travel to the Tunnel of Love? The vegetation which covers the tracks and towers over them is most dense in the summer and early fall. This would be the perfect time to snap some beautiful pictures. The beginning of fall turns the leaves into a mosaic of color, giving the tunnel an irresistible look.

Whether you plan on visiting Romania for its interesting cities, its intricate hiking routes or its raw scenery, don’t forget to take as many Instagram-worthy pictures as possible to show your friends what they’ve been missing out on. Once you return home from the Tunnel of Love in Obreja, you’ll have dreamy pictures to remind you of Romania.

Picture © Credit to: istock/ bizoo_n
Picture © Credit to: istock/ boogyz

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