Nightlife in Faro's downtown

André Jesus | Live the World

September 19, 2022

Downtown Faro has a vibrant nightlife, especially from Friday to Sunday! The population of the capital of Algarve is very young (mostly due to the Algarve University located there), so, when the weekend rolls in, the bar/café filled streets near the docks get full of students ready to enjoy themselves. But even families can have some fun!

Picture © André Jesus

There is a myriad of options when going out in Faro; it just depends on what you prefer. If you’re feeling more in the mood to party and dance, then you should go to Rua do Prior. This street is known as “Crime Street” but don’t be discouraged; it used to be its old name before it became the discotheques' most popular spot. It is old and tight street, kind of inconspicuous during the day, but on busy nights it’s full of people coming and going all thought the different clubs.  

There is another option just down the street, in a small square called Largo da Madalena. Here you’ll also see a gathering of people due to the big LGBT club and a smaller, yet also popular bar (named after the square). The audience is a bit older than in Rua do Prior, and the atmosphere less busy, so Largo da Madelena also serves as an excellent place to sit and talk while having a beer, if you feel more like doing that. On some nights there are even concerts.

Picture © André Jesus

A bit more on the “Sit, talk and drink a beer” idea... Well, that’s where Rua Conselheiro Bivar is best, but most people will call it “Main Street.” In here you’ll have a multitude of café choices, most of them with outdoor esplanades and many with live music. This street really is the main artery of Faro’s nightlife. Young, old, students, families, so many people make their way through the street, some to go to Madalena or Prior, others to take a drink in one of the cafés, or maybe even just passing-by when taking a stroll.

Picture © André Jesus

That’s also a good option; taking a stroll in downtown Faro is something that you also see a lot, from the Rua de Santo António (what is considered the beginning of downtown) to the open Manuel Bivar Garden, and then, either go party, or continue strolling through the docks and the old town, there are more cafés spread around so can always sit and drink a bit.

Picture © André Jesus

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