Huaina Potosí, an endless white view above the clouds

Vanesa Zegada | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Not even the highest peaks of Europe or Africa are as high as the mountain top that I want to show you today. But even though this mountain is so high, it is not the hardest to climb. That is why you could be the next person to reach the top of it. And if you dare to do it, you will be rewarded with a magical, endless white view above the clouds, so magical that you will never forget it. Let’s go all the way to the Bolivian Andes to discover Huayna Potosí mountain, at 6088 meters above sea level!

The Royal Mountain Range of the Andes, located in Bolivia, has almost a hundred mountains that overpass 4000 meters above sea level. Eight of these impressive mountains are even higher, overpassing 6000 meters above sea level and are covered by snow all year round. One of them is Huayna Potosí, the mountain that I will introduce to you in this story.

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Even if the climb to Huayna Potosí is less demanding than other climbs to mountains of similar height, the altitude is not a joke. That is why let me share the three tips that will help you make it to the top of it.

First of all, get climatized for a few days in the places of high altitudes, such as La Paz, Potosí, or Uyuni. Secondly, do not forget to take coca leaves, coca tea, or pills to help you overcome altitude sickness. And finally, climb slowly, even if you feel alright because sometimes the effect of the altitude does not come right away.

The Huayna Potosí climb starts next to a beautiful emerald lagoon called Zongo. The lagoon and the Andean mountains around make the landscape look astonishing, even before starting the climb.

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The average climb to Huayna Potosí requires two days. On the first day, you will walk up to 5400 meters above sea level, where you will find a refuge to sleep. On the second day, you will climb the snowy part of the mountain. It is easier to walk in the snow when it is more firm - at the lowest temperature possible - and that is why the departure on the second day is several hours before sunrise, the perfect timing to arrive at the top exactly when the sun comes out.

The way up to Huayna Potosí is beautiful, but the top is magical. Over there, the first sun rays will show you an endless white with snow around and clouds below you. In front of your eyes, you will find the highest peak of the Royal Mountain Range, called Illimani. It will all look so surreal that you will feel that all the efforts to reach the top are paid off.

© iStock-MisoKnitl

Climbing at a high altitude is a challenge. But it will be worth it when you live a good morning that the Andes give you on top of Huayna Potosí mountain, watching a magical endless white view above the clouds. At 6088 meters above sea level, this majestic Andean mountain is waiting for you!

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