Exploring Skadar Lake: Village Poseljani

Katarina Kalicanin | Live the World

November 23, 2022

On the half way between Rijeka Crnojevića and Virpazar, there is a small village unlike any other in this region. Old houses in ruins and overgrown with plants, make the village looks fairy and magnificent. Once important place full of life and people, is today abandoned and in silence. Still, Poseljani is a place worth visiting – it is an oasis where you can peacefully enjoy in amazing nature.

Nowadays, there is only one household living here during the whole year, but once this village was very active and lively. Poseljani village had a very important role. It was the place where 14 mills were operating day and night. Sometimes would happen that people wait for days (even up to 7 days) to get their wheat or corn grounded. For this reason there were also many coffee-houses working where people were waiting as well as one gaming house.

Village Poseljani nowadays looks unlike any other place in Montenegro. It has a unique look and remains of the mills and old stone bridges make the ambiance even more authentic and particular. The oldest mill is about 300 years old. None of the mills is active anymore and the village is pretty calm and lonely. The only sound one could hear is the song of the birds and murmur of the water in which the village abounds. In the form of waterfalls, springs and founts looking like natural fountains the water goes through village down to the Skadar Lake.

There are two ways to reach Poseljani, one – from Virpazar village, the second one – from Rijeka Crnojevića. Both ways will lead you through incredible nature. By foot or by car, one is sure: you would enjoy the surroundings of Poseljani. You can reach Poseljani by boat as it lies on the banks of Skadar Lake.

Down by the lake, the shades of trees rise high above the lake with their branches reflecting in the clear water. This makes the atmosphere even more special. Here, you can spend a calm and peaceful day, take a walk around or have a boat ride.

As already said, it is unlike any other village. Poseljani is a place that sleeps still, surrounded by amazing nature. Only sometimes, when an unexpected guest comes by, it awakes and showing its beauty tries to impress passer-by with the importance that the village once had.

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