Discover Bosa, the pastel town in Sardinia

Mara Noveni | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Today, I will take you on a trip to the beautiful Sardinian northwestern coast. We are going to discover Bosa, the pastel town in Sardinia, in the province of Oristano. Bosa is a splendid village characterized by the thousand colours of its buildings and dominated above by the famous Malaspina Castle.

Travelling along the beautiful and still wild west coast of Sardinia, a mandatory stop is the charming village of Bosa, which is about an hour's drive from Oristano and Alghero. Impossible to resist the charm of this town that shines in its colourful buildings, framed by a magnificent hilly landscape, between the Mediterranean scrub and the crystalline blue sea. A mix of colours and scents, in a special atmosphere enlivened by the colours of the houses in the village.

© iStock / kekko73

The origins of the village

The village of Bosa rises along the banks of the Temo River, next to the remains of the ancient tanneries, where in the past the production of leather was carried out, exported throughout Europe. The landscape that characterizes the village is made up of palm trees, volcanic rocks, natural caves, up to the magnificent spectacle offered by the sea in Bosa Marina.

© Aureliano Congiu

This village has very ancient origins, inhabited already in prehistoric times and the pre-Nuragic period. In fact, numerous remains of burial caves and prehistoric burial structures carved into the rock (domus de janas) have been found in this area. Indeed, it is an area rich in history. Here passed the Phoenician peoples, who founded the city and built its port, then the Punics from Carthage, and finally the Romans who dominated the area during the Great Empire.

In the Middle Ages, the Cathedral of San Pietro was built, one of the oldest Romanesque churches in Sardinia. And further on, the town suffered the Spanish, Austrian and Sardinian-Piedmontese domination. Furthermore, Bosa is one of the seven royal cities of Sardinia, which in the Aragonese era boasted the title of "city", now renamed "City of the Sun".

The historic centre of Bosa

Bosa offers views worthy of postcard images, with its colourful houses crossed by the river Temo, a truly indescribable sight. To get a better view of the houses along the river, it is recommended to go up the road connecting Macomer and Cuglieri. Another panoramic point to enjoy this splendid village is on Via Belvedere. Then cross the Ponte Vecchio and reach the tanneries “Sas Conzas”, considered a national monument, where you can also visit the Museo delle Conce. From here, you can enjoy the spectacle of the cathedral and the entire village.

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The old village, also known as “sa Costa”, stands at the foot of the hill and is framed by the Castle of Serravalle (or Malaspina). The streets of the centre can only be discovered on foot, among narrow streets, alleys and ancient arcades. The main street of the town is Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, where the Cathedral of the Immacolata Concezione, considered the Cathedral of Bosa, is located, with two domes covered with coloured majolica and large frescoes inside.

© Mara Noveni

The Malaspina Castle

The Serravalle Castle, best known as Malaspina Castle, was built by an ancient and famous Tuscan family, also mentioned by Dante Alighieri in the Divine Comedy. It can be reached via a fairly steep staircase, but, once you reach the top, it offers a splendid view. Within the walls of the castle is the church of "Nostra Signora de sos Regnos Altos", which houses a collection of frescoes from the Spanish school dating back to the fourteenth century.

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Local products

Local craftsmanship is famous for the processing of coral, gold filigree and its precious and exclusive crochet lace. In the lower part of the town, there are numerous wineries, where it is possible to buy and taste the sweet-scented Malvasia di Bosa, a wine with an aromatic flavour and an amber colour.

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The surroundings of Bosa

From a naturalistic point of view, it is a very important territory. In the hinterland and north of the mouth of the Temo River, in fact, there are numerous species of protected animals, especially the colonies of griffons. The seabed is amazing, rich in corals and lobsters, like in Alghero, it is the ideal destination for diving and snorkelling lovers. Other suitable and well-known places for trekking and birdwatching lovers are the Bio-Marine Park of Capo Marrargiu and the Natural Reserve of Badde Aggiosu and Monte Mannu.

About 2 kilometres from the historic centre is the hamlet of Bosa Marina, with its sandy beaches and crystal clear waters.

© iStock / HildaWeges

Well, during this trip, we were particularly fascinated by the colours: the colours of the houses in the village, the blue of the river and the sea, the red of the corals and lobsters in the seabed, the green of the Mediterranean scrub. Our eyes have been satisfied, and many colourful memories will remain in our mind after a trip to discover Bosa, the pastel town in Sardinia. We are waiting for you to live this colourful experience!

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