Albufera National Park
Passeig en barca per l'Albufera

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Hop on a boat and explore the stunning Albufera Lake, home to diverse wildlife and breathtaking sunsets. Don't forget your camera!

If you're looking for a peaceful escape from the bustling city life, Valencia's Albufera Natural Park is the perfect spot to unwind. And what better way to explore the park than by taking a boat tour?

The Albufera boat tour is a unique experience that takes you through the freshwater lagoon, surrounded by lush greenery and diverse wildlife. The tour is led by an experienced guide who will tell you all about the history and ecology of the park.

During the boat tour, keep an eye out for the different bird species that call the Albufera home, including herons, egrets, and the famous Valencian rice bird. You might even spot some fish jumping out of the water!

If you're interested in the local cuisine, you can also opt for a sunset boat tour that includes a traditional Valencian dinner. Indulge in paella, a dish that originated in this region, while enjoying the stunning views of the sunset over the lagoon.

The boat tour is also an opportunity to learn about the traditional fishing techniques used by the locals. You might even see some fishermen setting their nets in the water!

The Albufera boat tour is a must-do for nature lovers and those looking for a peaceful escape. Don't forget to bring your camera and capture the beauty of this unique ecosystem.

Updated on 29 August 2023

Tips and Tricks

  • Bring sunscreen and a hat as it can get quite sunny on the boat.
  • Don't forget your camera, the views of the lake and surrounding wildlife are stunning.
  • Book your tour in advance to avoid disappointment, especially during peak season.
  • Be prepared for a relaxing and peaceful experience, perfect for a day away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Opening times vary, typically from morning until early evening. It is recommended to check with the tour operator for specific times and availability.


Spring, summer, and autumn.


Prices vary depending on the tour operator, but typically range from 20-30€ per person.

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