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Caru cu Bere Restaurant Bucharest

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Caru cu Bere Restaurant Bucharest: A Historic Gem in București

Caru cu Bere Restaurant

If you're looking for a unique dining experience in București, look no further than Caru cu Bere Restaurant. With its rich history, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine, this iconic establishment is a must-visit for both locals and tourists alike.

A Taste of History

Caru cu Bere, which translates to "The Beer Wagon," has a history that spans over 140 years. Founded by the Mircea brothers, particularly Nicolae Mircea, this restaurant has become a symbol of Bucharest's old town. Over the years, it has welcomed a diverse range of guests, from famous personalities like I.L. Caragiale and George Coșbuc to international icons like The Rolling Stones.

Architectural Marvel

One of the standout features of Caru cu Bere is its stunning neo-Gothic architecture. Designed by architects Zigfrid Z. Kofczinski and Al. Pesch, the building is a true masterpiece. As you step inside, you'll be greeted by vaulted ceilings adorned with intricate paintings, stained glass windows, mosaic details, and beautifully carved paneling. The combination of these elements creates a unique and enchanting atmosphere that transports you back in time.

A Beer Lover's Paradise

As Bucharest's oldest brewery, Caru cu Bere takes great pride in its beer selection. With 38 types of beer on offer, including traditional Romanian brews and foreign brands, there's something to satisfy every beer enthusiast's palate. Whether you prefer a light lager or a rich stout, you're sure to find a brew that suits your taste.

Culinary Delights

While Caru cu Bere is known for its beer, the restaurant also offers a delectable menu of traditional Romanian dishes. From hearty stews and grilled meats to savory pastries and fresh seafood, there's a wide variety of options to choose from. Don't miss the opportunity to try their signature dishes, such as sarmale (cabbage rolls) and mici (grilled minced meat rolls). And of course, no meal is complete without indulging in a slice of their mouthwatering homemade cake.

When to Visit

Caru cu Bere is a bustling hotspot throughout the year, so it's advisable to make a reservation in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons. If you're looking to experience the vibrant atmosphere of the restaurant, consider visiting during the evening when live music performances add an extra layer of charm to the ambiance.

Nearby Attractions

Located in the heart of Bucharest's historic center, Caru cu Bere is surrounded by other notable landmarks. After enjoying a delicious meal, take a stroll through the picturesque streets and explore attractions like the Palace of the Parliament, the Romanian Athenaeum, and the Old Town's vibrant nightlife.

Caru cu Bere Restaurant Bucharest is more than just a place to dine; it's an experience that combines history, culture, and gastronomy. So, whether you're a beer lover, a history enthusiast, or simply looking for a memorable dining experience, make sure to add Caru cu Bere to your itinerary when visiting București.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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