The Museum of Jazz has fun, teach, remind.
a. play, because jazz was, is and will be entertainment, because jazz brings joy and rest, gives a sense of community.
b. learn and learn, because music, without any division is part of our culture,
c. remind us that this culture is made up of our history that we have built and created in the past generations.
The Jazz Museum will be a meeting place for jazz musicians with its supporters, a place that will radiate to the whole jazz environment and stimulate jazz life in Warsaw.
It will be more than a museum - it will be a club, mundane talents, brainstorming.
The Museum of Jazz is a natural place for exhibitions, where there will be music showcases, where old photos of jazz festivals, posters, and instruments will be played by great musicians, including jazz and illustrated jazz.
But this will also be the place where older, younger and younger musicians will be able to play: together and separately, traditional and modern jazz, dancing and listening.
At the Museum of Jazz there will be a concert hall, rehearsal rooms, a jazz cafe and a jazz club.
The Museum of Jazz will exist "in real", as a building, but also virtually. On the home computer screen you will be able to see our collections, listen to music, watch movies, talk about jazz, look at his story.
Within the framework of the YMCA Association, the Jazz Camp of the Polish Jazz enthusiasts was established. The main goal of this festival is to create a Museum of Jazz in Warsaw. The director of the Ogniska is the photographer Andrzej Rumianowski, the management of the Ogniska are: jazz vocalist Olga Boczar, journalist Marek Gaszyński, musicians: Krzysztof Sadowski and Janusz Kozłowski, and independent artist Andrzej Michałowski
The camp has its own Organizational Office at Konopnicka Street in Warsaw. The camp cooperates with the National Library to exhibit collections and exhibits.
There are collections for the future museum at the disposal of the camp: a part of the private archive of Jerzy Dudusia Matuszkiewicz, Krzysztof "Komeda" Trzcziński, Wlodzimierz Nahorny and Tomasz Szukalski.
The campsite is looking for a place to collect the collected or borrowed collections. There is no museum space for exhibitions and exhibitions, exhibits, funds for conservation work, financial sponsorship.
a. Organizing a series of Philharmonic concerts based on the program Jarosław Śmietana under the title "History of Polish Jazz".
b. A presentation of a similar summer program in major music clubs.
c. Organize a full-day multimedia "jazz festival" in Hoover Square in Warsaw.
d. Create your own Internet portal under the name of the Museum of Jazz.
e. Registration and archiving of memorable talks about jazz and not only with representatives of the older generation of Polish jazz musicians.
f. and much more .............
Marek Gaszyński, December 2011
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