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Trondheim Teaterverksted

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Trondheim Theater Workshop (formerly Children's and Young's Theater Workshop) starts in January 2017 with theater courses and performances! Trondheim Teaterverksted will have a stopover in two beautiful places in Trondheim: in premises at the Vitensenteret in Trondheim and at the Steinerskolen in Rotvoll.

Tuesdays at the Vitensenteret: 16:30 - 18:00 (8-10 years) 18.15 - 19.45 (11-13 years) Wednesdays at the Rotvoll Stone School: 17.00 - 18.30 (8 years +) Thursdays at the Vitensenteret: 17.00-18.30 (Ungdomsgrupe 14 +)

REGISTRATION: Startup in week 3, 2017. For registration: send us an email (or message on this page) with the student's name, age, and contact info. (phone + email address). Also, report whether you want to go to a class at the Vitensenteret or Steinerskolen at Rotvoll. Prices for 2017: Holiday fee: 2,600, - (16 weeks)

WHAT SHOULD ?: At Trondheim Theater Workshop we will experience all the fun that traditional drama education has to offer - and we will dare to experiment with it! We shall flirt and laugh and have fun together. But we must also be serious and dramatic! We will practice ourselves to be trustworthy and true in what we do - but also teach us to lie and pretend to be someone other than who we are! We are going to teach us to dare to do things we have not done before and teach us that others are going to look at what we do and to make sure that that's OK! And we will work out everything else that actors train to become really good actors! The trainer can also help set up a theater performance. Theater performance, big or small, should be an important goal for all groups in the theater workshop.

The director of Trondheim Theater Workshop is Espen Anthun Børø, theater educator and stage instructor. Espen Anthun Børø holds master's degree in theater from Middelsex University in London and GITIS theater school in Moscow. He has also studied pedagogy and psychology at NTNU. He has been educated at schools, universities / colleges and cultural schools, and has worked with theater in the amateur theater movement, in free groups, with festivals and at institutional theater, with extensive experience as a theater teacher, and as a freelance stage instructor and actor. He has also previously run a private theater school in Trondheim for 10 years. (Children's and Young's Theater Workshop) Some of you may have been performing at the Rabarbate Theater? Then it is almost guaranteed that Espen has had a finger in the game.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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