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Galleria Antonio Battaglia

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Antonio Battaglia began his gallery owner in December 1997; He interrupted his studies at the Brera Academy and opened his gallery in the Brera district in via San Carpoforo. In 2002 it moved to its present location in Via Ciovasso 5, always at Brera, where he continued the proposal from the young Italian painting in contact with the nearby Academy of Fine Arts and its artists-teachers. In recent years the exhibition program alternates with the rediscovery of artists working in the sixties and seventies mainly in the Milan area and not valued by the market; to name a few: Armando Marrocco, Aldo Spoldi, Gottardo Ortelli, Riccardo Guarneri, Angelo Cagnone, Fernanda Fedi, John Campus, Paul Barrile, Eugenio Carmi, Remo Bianco. The gallery is responsive to developments of new trends and supports its artists for the organization of public exhibitions and the publication of catalogs, as well as present in major exhibitions of modern and contemporary art.

Antonio Battaglia starts working as gallerist in December 1997; he stops His studies at the Brera Academy of Art and opens His gallery in the heart of Brera district in San Carpoforo Street. At the end of 2002 he moves to the actual location at 5 Ciovasso Street in the same quarter where he continues proposing the young Italian painture in contact with the Brera Academy and its artists-professors. In the last years the exhibitions' program presents the revival's artists of the Sixties and Seventies who worked mostly in the Milan area: Armando Marrocco, Aldo Spoldi, Gottardo Ortelli, Riccardo Guarneri, Angelo Cagnone, Fernanda Fedi, John Campus, Paul Barrile, Eugenio Carmi, Remo Bianco. The gallery is always focused on new trends; His artists it supports for public exhibitions 'organization and catalogs' publications, in addition pcs to present them into important modern and contemporary art fairs.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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