Chiesa del Gesù (Church of the Gesù)
Chiesa del Gesù

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Welcome to Chiesa del Ges\u00f9, the magnificent mother church of the Jesuits in Rome! This iconic landmark in Piazza del Ges\u00f9 is renowned for its architectural beauty and historical significance, featuring the first truly Baroque fa\u00e7ade and serving as a model for Jesuit churches worldwide. Marvel at the grandeur of the interior, including the chapel of Ignatius, and immerse yourself in the rich history of the Jesuits during your visit to this must-see Roman landmark.

Located in the heart of Rome's historic Piazza del Gesù, the Church of the Gesù is a must-visit for tourists seeking a glimpse into the rich religious and architectural history of the city. As the mother church of the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, this church holds immense significance within the Catholic community and has inspired countless Jesuit churches around the world.

First envisioned by Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, in 1551, the Church of the Gesù is a prime example of Baroque architecture. Its stunning façade, often hailed as the first true Baroque façade, introduced the world to this unique and extravagant architectural style. Visitors will be captivated by the grandeur and intricacy of the design, with its ornate detailing and imposing structure.

Step inside the church to discover a breathtaking interior adorned with beautiful paintings and sculptures. With its nave, crossing, and side chapels serving as models for Jesuit churches throughout Italy and Europe, the Church of the Gesù is truly a testament to the artistic genius of its time. As you explore the nave, take a moment to marvel at the remarkable ceiling fresco, depicting the life of Saint Ignatius and other revered Jesuit saints. The chapel of Ignatius, located on the left side of the altar, houses an image of the Holy Virgin, which Saint Ignatius himself once prayed before.

Beyond its architectural and artistic wonders, the Church of the Gesù holds significant historical importance. During the Protestant Reformation and the subsequent Catholic Counter-Reformation, the church played a central role in promoting Catholicism and defending the faith. It was also the residence of the Superior General of the Jesuits until the suppression of the order in 1773. Today, the adjoining palazzo serves as a home for Jesuit scholars from all around the world, further adding to the church's status as a vibrant hub of religious study and devotion.

In conclusion, a visit to the Church of the Gesù is a journey that will transport you back in time to a period of great spiritual and artistic fervor. Whether you are a lover of Baroque architecture, a history enthusiast, or simply someone seeking a moment of tranquility and reflection, this remarkable church will leave a lasting impression on your visit to Rome.

Updated on 10 October 2023

Tips and Tricks

  • Plan your visit to Chiesa del Gesù during a quiet time to fully appreciate the tranquility and spirituality of the church.
  • Take your time to explore the different paintings and chapels within the church, as each one offers a unique artistic and historical experience.
  • Be sure to visit the chapel of Ignatius, where you can see the image of the Holy Virgin that Saint Ignatius himself once prayed before.
  • Take note of the architectural details throughout the church, such as the baroque façade, cross-vault, dome, and apse, which showcase the artistic mastery of the architects involved in its construction.
  • Learn more about the history of the Jesuits and their role during the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation to gain a deeper understanding of the church's significance.
  • Consider visiting the adjacent palazzo, which serves as a residence for Jesuit scholars and offers a unique opportunity to interact with the academic community.
  • Take advantage of any guided tours or audio guides available at the church to learn more about the artwork and history behind it.
  • Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the stunning beauty of the church's interior and share your experience with others.
  • Remember to dress modestly and respectfully, as Chiesa del Gesù is a place of worship.
  • Make the most of your time in Rome by adding this iconic landmark to your itinerary and immersing yourself in the rich cultural and historical heritage it represents.

The Chiesa del Gesù (Church of the Gesù) in Rome, Italy is open daily from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm.


The best season to visit Chiesa del Gesù (Church of the Gesù) in Rome, Italy, is during the spring or autumn when the weather is mild and crowds are relatively smaller, allowing for a more peaceful and enjoyable experience.


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