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Jardin Japonais

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Our concept:

Create a minimalist garden, harmonious and soothing, whatever the available space.

The Japanese garden is a codified art that tends to reproduce natural landscapes limiting devices; it meets specific criteria arrangement, where each object has its place.

The design of a Japanese garden obeys complex and strict rules, drawing their source in the history of Japan. The various elements of Japanese gardens must be chosen and positioned with great care; the slightest error would damage the balance of the whole.

Inspired by these concepts, we study the different spaces and designing custom gardens adapted to environmental constraints and desires of our customers. Japanese Garden offers a range of over 200 rooms: type of granite lanterns Ikékomi-gata, techi-gata, oki-gata, Yukimi-gata, pagodas tsukubail basins chozu-bashi, rice basins, sand for dry garden granite benches and bridges. Japanese Garden also sells copper rain chains handmade and various elements in traditional Japanese gardens.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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