Western Staketsel Nieuwpoort

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Great views of the sea! Nieuwpoort might have two piers, but Staketsel is the fave for relaxing and fishing.

For free things to do at the beach, you can’t beat a stroll out on the pier. Soak up that fresh sea air at Nieuwpoort’s pier. Staketsel (aka the Western Pier) is the pier on the right side.

As you walk to the end of the pier, you might think that thing at the end is a mini lighthouse. Niewpoort actually has a foghorn and signal lantern on its piers for all the boats going by. A classic coastal town sight. Plus, from the edge of Staketsel, you’ll see awesome views of the ocean.

Nieuwpoort is known for its fish market and shrimp. Try catching some yourself on the pier. Stakestel is a popular spot for tourists to try out fishing! Bring along a fishing rod and get comfy. Maybe you’ll get lucky. Either way, you get to enjoy the view and sunshine.

Did you know that Staketsel was built in 1865? At 490m long, it’s slightly shorter than its sibling the Eastern Pier that is 545m.

Updated on 25 November 2021

Tips and Tricks

  • We don’t recommend going on Stakestsel when there is a storm. The piers aren’t closed when there is a storm, but the ocean will come up and smack you in the face. It’s up to you to judge the safety of it, but we highly recommend not pushing your luck with Mother Nature.
  • Fishing with a rod/line and crab net is allowed. You will need a permit to fish with a crossnet.

Getting There

  • By Car: 15 minute walk from Parking Promenade
  • By Bus: 15 minute walk from bus stop Nieuwpoort Bad. Bus 69 stops here
  • By Tram: 15 minute walk from tram stop Nieuwpoort Bad. Tram 0 stops here



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