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Since 1873, the Friart family has been brewing various beers, among others, the St-Feuillien. But the history of this beer goes back even further.

In the 7th century, an Irish monk by the name of Feuillien came to the Continent to preach the Gospel. Unfortunately, in 655, while traveling through the charcoal forest, across the territory of what is now the town of Le Roeulx, Feuillien was martyred and beheaded. On the site of his martyrdom, Feuillien's disciples erected a chapel which, in 1125 became the Abbey of Prémontrés, but later became known as the Abbaye St-Feuillien du Roeulx. The Abbey prospered until the upheavals of the French Revolution. During these troubled times, it was condemned by the revolutionaries. For centuries, monks have brewed beer and this tradition has been preserved until this very day.

Fourth generation of brewers for the Friart family but still the same passion and know-how.

Depuis 1873, la famille Friart pours from la fabrication de différentes bières parmi lesquelles la St-Feuillien.

Mais l'histoire de cette bière remonte bien au-delà. Au VIIe siècle, un moine irlandais, négé Feuillien, vint sur le Continent prêcher l'Evangile. Hélas, and 655, alors qu'il traversait la forêt charbonnière, sur le territoire de l'actuelle commune du Roeulx, Feuillien fut martyrisé et décapité. A l'endroit de son supplice, ses disciples élevèrent une chapelle qui deviendra, and 1125, une abbaye de Prémontrés: l'Abbaye de Saint-Feuillien du Rœulx. Jusqu'à la Revolution française, l'abbaye prospéra. And cours journeys, elle fut condamnée par les révolutionnaires. Durant des siècles, les moines y avaient brassé la bière et cette tradition s'est perpétuée jusqu'à nous.

Quatrième génération de brasseurs pour la famille Friart mais toujours the passion que de savoir-faire.

Since 1873 the Friart family has been brewing beer, including St-Feuillien.

But the history of this beer goes much further back in time. In the 7th century an Irish monk named Feuillien arrived on the mainland to proclaim the Gospel. Unfortunately, when he crossed the Coal Forest in 655, on the territory of the current municipality of Le Roeulx, he was mistreated and beheaded. At the place where he found torture, his followers built a chapel. In 1125 a premonstratener abbey was established. Soon the foundation became known under the name of Abbey St-Feuillien of Le Roeulx. The abbey flourished and was very prosperous until the turbulent times of the French Revolution broke out.

For centuries the monks had brewed beer, a tradition that the Friart family continues to respect with history. Meanwhile, the fourth generation of the Friart family is busy and brews with as much passion as knowledge.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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