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Meeting of Waters, Manaus

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The Enchanting Meeting of Waters in Careiro da Várzea, Manaus

Nestled in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, Careiro da Várzea is a hidden gem that offers a unique natural phenomenon known as the Meeting of Waters. This captivating spectacle takes place just downstream from Manaus, where two mighty rivers, the Rio Negro and the Rio Solimões, converge to create a mesmerizing display of contrasting colors and currents.

A Natural Wonder

The Meeting of Waters is a sight to behold, as the dark, coffee-colored waters of the Rio Negro meet the sandy-colored, sediment-rich waters of the Rio Solimões. For approximately 6 kilometers (4 miles), these two rivers flow side by side without mixing, creating a stark visual contrast that is truly awe-inspiring. The distinct colors of the rivers are a result of their different origins and the varying levels of sediment they carry.

Fun Facts and Historical Significance

Did you know that the Rio Negro is the largest blackwater river in the world? Its dark color is caused by the high concentration of organic matter, giving it a mysterious allure. On the other hand, the Rio Solimões gets its lighter color from the sediment it carries from the Andes Mountains.

The Meeting of Waters holds great historical significance as well. It marks the point where the Rio Solimões officially becomes the Amazon River, which then flows through the heart of the Amazon rainforest, eventually emptying into the Atlantic Ocean. This confluence has been a vital transportation route for centuries, connecting remote communities and facilitating trade in the region.

Exploring the Meeting of Waters

Visiting the Meeting of Waters is an unforgettable experience for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. There are several ways to explore this natural wonder. One popular option is to take a boat tour, allowing you to witness the phenomenon up close. As you glide along the rivers, you can marvel at the stark contrast between the dark and light waters, and even dip your hand into both rivers simultaneously.

For those seeking a more immersive experience, kayaking or paddleboarding through the Meeting of Waters offers a unique perspective. As you navigate the currents, you can feel the temperature difference between the two rivers and witness the incredible biodiversity that thrives in these waters.

When to Visit

The Meeting of Waters can be visited year-round, but the best time to witness this natural wonder is during the dry season, which typically runs from July to November. During this period, the water levels are lower, making the contrast between the two rivers even more pronounced.


Careiro da Várzea's Meeting of Waters is a captivating natural phenomenon that showcases the beauty and diversity of the Amazon region. Whether you choose to take a boat tour or paddle through the currents, this enchanting spectacle will leave you in awe of nature's wonders. Plan your visit to Careiro da Várzea and immerse yourself in the magic of the Meeting of Waters.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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